The genetic information encoded in DNA is read off in living cells through the processes of 'transcription' and 'translation.' The gene produces mRNA molecules (transcription), and mRNAs make proteins (translation) using other macromolecules' help. One fact of life is that these molecular processes are 'noisy.' There are cell-to-cell variations in the mRNA and protein copy numbers even when cells are genetically identical. This noise arguably is a source of 'phenotypic diversity'. We are interested in how molecular regulation affects gene expression noise.
Previously we investigated how molecular competition for transcription factors affects gene expression noise. We are now looking at post-transcriptional regulation of the gene expression by micro-RNAs. Micro-RNAs are small non-coding RNAs that bind to large mRNA molecules and inhibit translation. We are developing stochastic models for micro-RNA mediated negative feedback loops.
Theoretical & Physical Biology Group
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17. An evolutionary divergent thermodynamic brake in ZAP-70 fine-tunes the kinetic proofreading in T cell, K Gangopadhyay, A Roy, AC Chandradasan, S Roy, O Debnath, S SenGupta, S Chowdhury, D Das*, R Das*, J. Bio. Chem. 298 (10) , 2021.
16. The cost of bacterial predation via Type VI secretion system leads to predator extinction under environmental stress, S Gupta, S Ray, A Khan, A China, D Das*, and A I Mallick*, iScience 24 (12), 103507, 2021.
15. Effects of length-dependent positive feedback on length distributions of microtubules undergoing hydrolysis, B Banerjee, S Satheesan, D Das*, J Biosci. 47 (2),20, 2021.
14. Effects of random hydrolysis on biofilament length distributions in a shared subunit pool, S Satheesan, B Banerjee, D Das*, Biophysical Journal (, 2021.
13. Fibronectin is a smart adhesive that both influences and responds to the mechanics of early spinal column development, E Guillon, D Das, D Jülich, AR Hassan, H Geller, S Holley, Elife 9, 2020.
12. Probing mechanisms of transcription elongation through cell-to-cell variability of RNA polymerase, MZ Ali, S Choubey, D Das, RC Brewster, Biophysical journal 118 (7), 2020.
Period before IISER-K
11. Organization of embryonic morphogenesis via mechanical information, D Das, D Jülich, J Schwendinger-Schreck et. al., Developmental cell 49, 2019.
10. Cell-to-cell variability in organelle abundance reveals mechanisms of organelle biogenesis, S Choubey, D Das, S Majumdar, Physical Review E 100, 2019.
9. Patterned disordered cell motion ensures vertebral column symmetry, D Das, V Chatti, T Emonet, SA Holley, Developmental cell 42, 2017.
8. Effect of transcription factor resource sharing on gene expression noise, D Das, S Dey, RC Brewster, S Choubey, PLoS computational biology 13 (4), 2017.
7. Sufficient conditions for the additivity of stall forces generated by multiple filaments or motors, T Bameta, D Das, D Das, R Padinhateeri, MM Inamdar, Phys. Rev. E 95, 2015.
6. Collective effects in force generation by multiple cytoskeletal filaments pushing an obstacle, JS Aparna, D Das, R Padinhateeri, D Das, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 638, 2015.
5. Collective force generated by multiple biofilaments can exceed the sum of forces due to individual ones, D Das, D Das, R Padinhateeri, New J. Phys. 16, 2014.
4. Force-induced dynamical properties of multiple cytoskeletal filaments are distinct from that of single filaments, D Das, D Das, R Padinhateeri, Plos One 9, 2014.
3. Giant number fluctuations in microbial ecologies, D Das, D Das, A Prasad, J. theor. bio. 308, 2012.
2. Broad-tailed force distributions and velocity ordering in a heterogeneous membrane model for collective cell migration, T Bameta, D Das, S Sarkar, D Das, MM Inamdar, Europhysics Lett. 99, 2012
1. Dynamics of a flexible polymer in planar mixed flow, D Das, S Sabhapandit, D Das, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 297 , 2011.