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Theoretical & Physical Biology Group

Population dynamics of interacting microbes

In nature, thousands of bacteria exist together with rich ecological interactions like predator-prey relationships, competition for limited resources, and mutualism. Examples include the microbiome in our guts, biofilms growing on our teeth, etc. In a collaborative project with the 'host-pathogen' lab at IISER-K, we are mathematically modeling the temporal evolution of bacterial predator-prey populations, where predators target other bacteria through specialised molecular nano-machines. Previously we also explored the consequences of processes like mutation and horizontal-gene-transfer on the population number fluctuations in microbial ecologies.


Main papers on this topic

  1. The cost of bacterial predation via Type VI secretion system leads to predator extinction under environmental stress, S Gupta, S Ray, A Khan, A China, D Das*, and A I Mallick*, iScience 24 (12), 103507, 2021.

  2. Giant number fluctuations in microbial ecologies, D Das, D Das, A Prasad, J. theor. bio. 308, 2012.

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